Brookwood Leadership

Envision.  Advance.  Assure.

Danilo Gutlay


Danilo Gutlay is a Managing Principal of Brookwood Program Management LLC and a shareholder of its parent company, Brookwood Group, Inc. He has more than 38 years experience in the construction industry. His experience includes such diverse projects as school facilities, hospitals, military installations, airports, capital improvement programs and public works programs.

Since 2009, Danny has represented the interests of the Atlanta Public School system in its Special Purpose Local Options Sales Tax (SPLOST I,II,III) in negotiations with facilities departments, school boards and government agencies. Danny has participated in the process to redesign prototype schools and develop design standards for the local school system, reviewed presentations for unique school concept to districts and has developed and managed annual capital outlay.

From the Fall of 2007 to Spring of 2009, Danny was the on-site project manager and Owner’s Representative for the renovation of three residential halls at Clark Atlanta University.

Danny's experience spans several disciplines and his experience reflects the flexibility and resourcefulness necessary to address client concerns throughout the construction process.

Prior to joining Brookwood, Danny was tasked with the management of three hospitals in Florida, where his responsibilities included identifying hospital facilities’ $800M capital improvement projects and developing a scope of work for various department users. He evaluated necessary recommendations from internal committees in upgrading facilities needs to ensure compliance with governing agencies such as the Agency for Healthcare Administration (AHCA) and the Healthcare Joint Commission.

Before working in Florida, Danny represented the interests of the DeKalb County Schools and Atlanta Public Schools in their Special Purpose Local Options Sales Tax (SPLOST I and II), specifically in their negotiations with district superintendents, facilities departments, school boards and government agencies.

Brookwood Group

Development & Investment | Strategic Planning | Management of Design & Construction