Charles Surber

Charles Surber
Charles Surber is a Brookwood shareholder and advisor. He is recognized for his ability to lead teams and develop strategies for start-up, fast-growth, stable, and under-performing businesses and institutions; and work with diverse clients including high-profile entrepreneurs, investors, and institutions.
He most recently served as the Director of Sales & Marketing for Sheldon Good & Company; was Chief Marketing Officer for the Racebrook Portfolio of Companies; and is a co-founder and principal of The Winnmark Group, whose specialized real estate, financial, strategic, marketing, and operations services have merged with Brookwood.
Charles has held leadership positions as a fundraiser and non-profit manager for several national organizations including The Children’s Village in Dobb’s Ferry, NY; New York City Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society; the Palm Beach County Council of the Arts; and Business Volunteers for the Arts / John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
Charles has a multi-disciplinary educational and professional background, with a Bachelor of Arts degree with Distinction from the University of Virginia; a Master of Science Degree in Learning Disabilities and Psychology from Radford University; post-graduate certificates from The Grantsmanship Center and IBM Leadership Commitment Program; Advanced Studies in Religion and Theology; and Specialized Training in Keyboard and Voice.